Darbo skelbimai


OP Corporate Bank | KYC Specialist

MPS Baltic client – OP Corporate Bank – is part of OP Finance Group, the leading financial services group in Finland. OP Corporate Bank has been operating in Lithuania for 12 years, offers services to business customers and focuses on large companies. The bank’s portfolio stands at €1.4 billion, making it the fifth-largest corporate bank in Lithuania.

We are currently looking for a KYC Specialist to join their highly professional team in Vilnius.

In this role, you will be responsible for collecting and checking KYC information and processing regular customer data reviews, onboarding and after-sales actions as a part of the Baltic AFC team.


OP Corporate Bank | Senior Relationship Manager

MPS Baltic client – OP Corporate Bank – is part of OP Finance Group, the leading financial services group in Finland. OP Corporate Bank has been operating in Lithuania for 12 years, offers services to business customers and focuses on large companies. The bank’s portfolio stands at €1.4 billion, making it the fifth-largest corporate bank in Lithuania.

OP Corporate Bank, for several years, has been one of the fastest growing banks in Lithuania and is currently looking for a Senior Relationship Manager to join their highly professional team in Vilnius.

The company is seeking a highly motivated and experienced manager to lead and develop relationships with corporate clients. In this role, you will be responsible for managing client portfolios, identifying growth opportunities, and ensuring a high level of client satisfaction. You will collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver tailored solutions that meet client needs.


BASF | Agronomas Vadybininkas

Mūsų klientas BASF – lyderės pozicijas pasaulyje užimanti chemijos kompanija, kuri savo klientams siūlo pažangius sprendimus ir siekia tvarios ateities. Kompanija jungia ir ugdo įvairių talentų turinčius žmones visame pasaulyje. Jūsų atveju, tai reiškia įvairias tobulėjimo galimybes. Čia svarbūs ne tik Jūsų pasiekiami rezultatai, bet ir Jūsų asmenybė.

BASF augalų apsaugos skyriuje siekiama tvaraus žemės ūkio, pasitelkiant novatoriškus mokslinius tyrimus ir technologijas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas maistui, žemės ūkiui, aplinkai, darbuotojams ir jų indėliui į pasaulį. Bendrovė atsakingai valdo savo produktus nuo atradimo ir kūrimo iki pat naudojimo, perdirbimo, bei jo šalinimo.

Šiuo metu BASF Lietuvoje ieško prie komandos prisijungsiančio Agronomo Vadybininko (Rytų Lietuva).


BASF | Controlling & Supply Chain Manager Baltics

Our client BASF is the world's leading chemical company because they offer intelligent solutions for their customers and for a sustainable future. They link and develop people with diverse talents all over the world. For you, this means a variety of ways to advance. Not only your performance but also your personality matters to the company. At BASF, careers develop from opportunities.

BASF Agro Solution Business Unit is committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology. They care passionately about food, agriculture, the environment, their employees and contribution to the world. The company manages their products responsibly from discovery and development right through use, recycling and final disposal.

For their growing Baltic team, we are looking for a Controlling & Supply Chain Manager Baltics


Lietuvos oro uostai | Keleivių patirties ir skaitmenizavimo departamento direktorius

Akcinė bendrovė Lietuvos oro uostai (LTOU) valdo tris tarptautinius oro uostus – Vilniaus, Kauno bei Palangos. LTOU vysto koordinuotą trijų oro uostų veiklą, siūlo platų paslaugų spektrą bei užtikrina aukštą paslaugų kokybę keleiviams bei partneriams.

Lietuvos oro uostai plečia vadovų komandą ir kviečia prisijungti Keleivių patirties ir skaitmenizavimo departamento direktorių.


Royal Canin | Field Sales Manager Baltics

Our client – Royal Canin is a division of Mars Petcare and the global leader in Health Through Nutrition for cats and dogs. Founded in 1968 Royal Canin has been continually working and partnering with veterinarians, nutritionists, breeders, and other pet professionals around the world to improve pet health and well-being.

Currently Company is looking for a new colleague – Field Sales Manager Baltics for Pet Professional Pillar.